How To Naturally Deal With Pain Brought About By Herniated Discs In Lower Back

By Sarah Schmidt

The thought of taking very high doses of painkilling drugs and undergoing the knife can be terrifying for some. That's because those approaches are known to come with risks, many of which can be quite serious. The good news for those with mild cases of herniated discs in lower back is they can choose from a wide variety of ways to reduce pain without taking prescription drugs or having surgery. Read on to know some of the things that you may do at home to attain much needed relief safely and effectively.

Walk daily for 20 minutes. Although being on your feet may seem like it's a lot of effort, health experts confirm that having a sedentary life can actually worsen things for you. Daily, see to it that you walk on a flat surface for around 20 minutes. Just remember to put on a pair of shoes that fits perfectly and offers enough support.

Give your back plenty of time to recover. It's very important that you also provide your spine with enough rest. Refrain from making matters worse by pushing your body to its limits. While sitting or lying down during rest periods, according to health authorities, you should regularly change positions to keep your spine from becoming stiffened.

Go for heat or ice therapy. Quickly attaining all natural relief from pain can be as easy as placing a heat bag or an ice pack on the back. Oftentimes, it all boils down to your personal preference. It's even possible for you to employ heat and ice alternately. Experts suggest for you to wait for at least half an hour before switching to the other to prevent complications.

Steer clear of inflammation causing foods. Health experts confirm that there are foods that can trigger inflammation, and you should avoid consuming them. Some examples are red meat and dairy. You should also dodge anything that's loaded with refined sugar. Don't opt for non fat food products because, believe it or not, fat can actually help in fending off pain.

Include oily fish in the diet. Regularly, you should consume tuna, trout, mackerel, sardines, herring and other types of oily fish. That's because they contain omega 3 fatty acids which are known as some of the most powerful anti inflammatory foods on the face of the planet. Worry not if you cannot regularly include oily fish in your diet because you may also have your body supplied with omega 3 fatty acids by popping fish oil capsules in your mouth daily.

Take or apply turmeric. There's a spice that is revered for its phenomenal anti inflammatory properties, and it's turmeric. You can sprinkle it on foods or turn it into a tea. Turmeric may also be mixed with a little water or coconut oil, and the resulting paste may be massaged on the achy part of the back regularly.

Try some alternative pain relieving solutions. Acupressure, acupuncture and others are admired for their ability to reduce body aches and pains naturally. It's a good idea for you, however, to first discuss with your doctor your plan on trying them.

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