Somebody Needs To Write A Book On A Mother Guide To Sanity

By Matthew Murray

There are a lot of challenges when you decide to become a parent. Whether you are a single mother ready to do it by yourself, or a wife in a marriage, nothing can get you ready for the road ahead. It would be nice if somebody wrote a book or held classes for a mother guide to sanity. The only sure thing that comes from being a parent is that your child holds many unforeseen adventures that will be discovered in time. Until then, a mom needs to realize that things are going to happen that will make you want to scream and cry at the same time.

The very first challenge is having the child. Many women have a hard time with the fact that their careers are put on hold for at least the first few months of their new babys life. Many women work hard to create a future for themselves by going to college, getting trained in their desired field, or starting their own business. It is medically necessary for the new mother to take a break after giving birth.

After the maternity leave is over, there becomes another challenge which is finding dependable child care. Not only is it hard to find someone to watch the child, it is often very expensive. In order to get back to work and careers, mothers need help making sure the child is safe and is developing social skills.

After childcare issues comes school age issues. For those moms that have stayed with their child for the first few years will often have a hard time on the first day of school. During the day, the child would normally be home with mom but when school starts, the child is gone most of the day. Most moms cry the first day of preschool.

As the child grows, it is soon apparent that there is something more dramatic than the terrible twos. The teenager often tries the parents sanity like never before. The main thing is to keep a calm head and understand that the teenagers body is going through hormonal changes that often create a monster.

Staying active in after school programs, sports and clubs will often deter the teen from making bad decisions. The pressures of teenagers can often be overwhelming and will often need more encouragement and support from their parents.

After the teen graduates from high school, the next big decision is when and where to go to college. This can be a hard time for both the parents and the child but the more they are informed, the easier time they will have to choose the right college. When they go to college, the parents will often experience what is known as empty nest syndrome.

When they graduate from college, it is nothing unusual if they decide to move back in with their parents. This is a time they will often seek advice on finding their way through life. They will often use this time to find a place of employment and find a partner that will help them achieve their goals in life.

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