Using Womens Spiritual Nature Retreats Midwest

By Raymond Walker

Time after time many ladies find themselves in very dire situations which really have no real solutions. Many of them like Nan who is from Chicago, IL like to participate in womens spiritual nature retreats midwest each and every time they become available.

Unfortunately Nan had no idea that her eighteen year old child had become sexually involved with a man who was approaching the age of forty. She had met him in her training class and this suave sophisticated male was recently divorced with a twelve year old child. Ralph was married to Nan and he could not believe that his daughter could be interested in such an old man.

Unfortunately none of this worked and things seemed to get even worse. Even though her child was slightly over the age of eighteen Nan did not want her dating a man who was that much older. She felt that Heather should be around people who were only a little bit older than her. Heather constantly told her parents that she was grown and could do as she pleased and this news did not make her dad happy at all.

Heather's dad Ralph was not satisfied with his daughter's actions and made the decision to face this man in a very violent manner. Fortunately Nan did not let this event happen since she did not want to see her husband in jail even though she also hated this man. Nan had even fantasized about seducing this older male away from her daughter but her friend Joyce talked her out of this daydream.

Nan was a sensible woman who had lived a good life and she was now ready to face facts about her husband and daughter. She needed to get away from both of them and Joyce had the perfect solution to this problem. The adventure with other ladies seemed to be very refreshing since they could all be at peace for a few days. Her ride to the great big bus was great and she quickly rushed onto it.

During the bus ride all of these ladies would sing and tell stories about their first crushes and everything else under the sun. They were very happy to share these experiences with one another and had all become fast friends. They were also headed to the great state of Wisconsin.

She had met Sandy during the ride and she seemed to be a very spunky young lady who loved her life and parents but needed time away from them. Teaching at school had become quite a chore for her and her students would drive anyone crazy. Their room was nice and big.

The three of them joined the others at dinner and they had a very fun filled night which also included dancing. Since many of them were married they tried to stay away from males who were out on the prowl. They danced with each other and this was very fun.

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