Benefits Of Learning Emotional Intelligence

By Kathleen Lee

In a conversation where one mentions emotional Intelligence, the first thing that usually goes through the other persons mind is somewhat a strong uncontrollable feeling in other words emotional outburst. The reason behind this, is that the current educational system, do not actually teach student about this Intelligence in fact most of the subjects in school centres on logical thinking, scientific resolutions, and structure, which is the reason why most children grow up not having the slightest idea in how to control their emotions and how to be affective towards others. Conveniently there is eqi 20, that helps other to be more conscious of their Emotional wellness.

Though emotional intelligence is not well known as all the other kinds of intelligence, but for those who knows about it, admits the fact that its something hard to explain or even grasp. And it is not something that can easily be acquired. If you are asking if this intelligence can in born, as of now no study has proven that it something one can possess by birth.

This is due to the fact that emotional intelligence is something you acquire by indulging though culture, studies and theories. It is something you gain through experience and constantly communicating with different people having different emotional strengths and weaknesses.

Rational thinking is very important in a person day to day living. Lack of it in a daily basis can become a very big issue, that is hard to resolve. With this note, one could think that maybe factor relating to emotions is actually not that irrelevant.

Often times when has no control over their emotions, if one is faced with a difficult situation. Ones decision could easily be overcome by their own emotions, which does not only place them in a much difficult spot but could also affect the ones surrounding you.

Imagine not being able to make good rational decisions at work or even encountering situations while just walking around town. That is why there are some businesses these day that engages into having Emotional intelligence part of their actions for their employees.

How they are feeling and what has caused them to feel that way. It is not something one is born with. It is something that one actually learns as they grow up and interact with people in different walks in life.

That is one of the most important factor when it comes to emotional intelligence, you gain more empathy towards others situations and feelings, you become a much a more reasonable reason one who is capable of great understanding compassion.

With this intelligence being implemented to the different countries in different continents, then the world shifts to become greater than it ever was. With people understanding the importance humanity, when one acknowledges the other persons flaw but tries to understand. Do you not think that maybe what this world is lacking is for humanity to show more understanding towards each others actions.

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