The Meaning Salvation Through Faith And By Grace

By Steven Stewart

Everywhere in the world and all races, people have beliefs. They believe in a supreme being and a power greater than themselves. They may be cults or religions, but the majority of the people around them seems to have faith in them. They include Christians and Muslims whose religion is the most dominant. Some people do not believe in anything or anyone being more superior than them. They are known as atheists or pagans. However below is all about Christians and how they have trust in Salvation Through Faith.

In every group of believers, they have a guidebook which is like their manual. This book usually has past scenarios and the history of how their belief system was put into place. For Christians, it is known as the Bible. It has a lot of teachings on how people were saved by their trust in God. The book was written by people who were filled with the holy spirit which is part of the Trinity.

According to the bible, everyone is born in sin. This dates back to the first man and woman in the garden of Eden. Sin entered the world through them. Christians are raised and given bible teachings at a very young age. They then get baptized and are cleansed of all their sin. However, if a Christian is to die without getting cleansed of their sins, they will spend an eternity in hell and away from God.

They then were punished and banished forever. If they had trust and believed what God told them they would have been saved from the punishment. Christians believe people inherited the sin and had to be cleansed of it.

They have faith they will not come to any harm as long as the shepherd guides them. This is the same between Christians and God. Christians should follow that He will not lead astray if they want to be saved.

Moses went up the mountain to get the ten commandments from God. When he came back, the people had assumed he was dead and worshiped other idols. However, after the commandments were read to them, their faith in God grew. They knew they had to follow all the commandments if they wanted to have the protection of God. The commandments were a way of strengthening their trust in Him.

Abraham was known as the father of faith. He was ready to sacrifice his only son to God. His faith in God was rewarded by giving may descendants and a lot of wealth. If Adam and Eve had the same kind of trust in God, they would have enjoyed life in the garden of Eden, and they would never have had to suffer all the things of the world.

All in all, the Christianity religion is based on trust. Without faith one is bound to wither away in the earthly life, and their agony is to continue in the afterlife. This means if one does not have faith in God, they are doomed to burn forever in the fires of hell.

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