How Arthritis Pain Can Be Prevented

By Roberta Smith

Arthritis refers to a disorder of the joints that may affect one or multiple joints. Human beings and animals suffer from various types of this disease. The main distinguishing feature of the disease is excessive pain in joints and surrounding regions. Many people in the whole world are affected by arthritis pain and it affects the quality of life negatively. Elderly and middle-aged people are affected more than other age groups.

Today, the number of different types of arthripide in existence exceed one hundred. Gout, osteoarthritis, septic, juvenile idiopathic, ankylosing spondylitis, and rheumatoid are the most common types. In the whole world, the most common variety of this medical condition is osteoarthritis. Arthritis can either be a primary or a secondary cause of pains in joints. When its if s secondary cause, that means that there is an underlying disease to which arthripide are secondary. Celiac disease, hepatitis, Lyme disease, sarcoidosis, hemochromatosis, wipple disease, familial Mediterranean fever, psoriasis, and systemic lupus erythematous are some of the major primary diseases in existence.

A forty five percent increase in disorders caused by musculoskeletal disorders resulted between 1990 and 2010. Osteoarthritis accounted for the highest increase in disabilities due to musculoskeletal disorders. Data collected from Africa was inconsistent and with high underestimations. However, data in other continents featured a high degree of accuracy. The increase was as a result of many factors working together.

Several symptoms accompany this condition for identification. Since there are many varieties of the same disease, there may be a slight variance in the symptoms. However, one common symptom in all the varieties is pain. Other relatively common symptoms are swelling, aching, and stiffness in joints. Other organs may be affected by other varieties leading to a wide range of symptoms.

In addition to the abovementioned symptoms, patients lose mobility due to stiffness and they often feel very fatigued. They experience pains and aches around joints, have poor sleep, and lose weight. The affected areas develop tenderness and inflammation. As advancement of the condition continues, secondary symptoms become manifest. For instance, loss of mobility causes inflexibility, reduced aerobic fitness, and weakness in muscles.

Diagnosis is usually made by clinical examination by a qualified health practitioner. Diagnostic results from clinical examination is often supported by other tests like blood tests and radiology. The kind of diagnostic test used depends on the variety suspected to be present. Diagnosis is hugely guided by the history of the disease.

Formulation of treatment plans is usually dependent on diagnostic results. The specific type of arthritis one is suffering from must be determined first before treatment is decided. This is because treatment varies with the type. Treatment options commonly used include medications, lifestyle changes, physical therapy, and orthopedic bracing. Joint replacement surgery is usually an option in varieties that erode joints.

Pain is relieved by medications that reduce inflammation. The medications also minimize the speed of damage of joints. A hot or cold shower can go a long way in relieving pains in some varieties. No cure exists for Rheumatoid and osteoarthritis varieties of this condition.

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