Choose Quick Meal Recipes Over Fast Food

By Dorothy Scott

These days, the average adult wants to put their hard earned money to good use. Yet, eating out more than a couple of times a week can be costly, especially when the same meal can be made at home for less. It is just that some people tend to be creatures of habit and do not realize that quick meal recipes can serve many purposes.

It is common for people to say there is no time or energy after a long day at the job. Yes, it takes time to drive to the supermarket and navigate through the crowds, then go home to perform the tasks of preparing ingredients. Add in the cooking and eating process only to realize it is time to go to bed, this is not a realistic solution for those with limited time.

Some recipes are so simple that these can be made in less time that it takes to place an order and wait for food. An advantage to making meals in the home kitchen is that one is allows to be creative without the hassle of making a special request to the chef and hoping the request is met. People who want to improve their health will find that some foods have the same, or improved taste, when extra salt or oil is not used.

For instance, there are a number of options that will make a pizza healthier, such as using a grain crust or bread with fewer carbohydrates like flatbread. Tomato sauce with crushed garlic or Italian seasoning is much healthier than canned pizza sauce or ketchup. As for toppings, fresh sliced vegetables or alternatives for meat and cheese can cut the fat content in half.

Leftovers can be used for lunch, as a second pizza or added to another entree. Ideas include adding to a favorite sauce or soup that can top pasta or potatoes for sustenance. If there are no immediate ideas, just store or freeze ingredients. Whatever the use, it will take less time to reheat than waiting to place a food order.

Making this a habit easier for some than others who do not cook. Someone that routinely eats out may not know how to prepare themselves or even how to cook basic dishes. This type of person may need to invest in cooking classes or tutorials but over time, they will be able to plan sensible meals.

When people go out to buy things like fresh vegetables or unprocessed meat, they are often concerned about having the extra spoil if not eaten by a certain time. The best thing is to set aside time to prepare food as if a meal was being prepared but placing it the freezer. Food storage bags are available in a number of sizes and will keep foods edible for up to six months. There are also machines that will preserve food longer without freezer burn.

Items that do not expire quickly, like pasta, potatoes, and rice lend themselves well to many dishes that are easy to prepare. If one dreads prepping ingredients, there are many places to find cleaned and chopped vegetables along with herbs and seasonings that have been measured. The possibilities are endless with creativity and planning.

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