The Common Problems That Can Be Solved By An Obgyn Waco Professional

By Debra Sullivan

Gynecology is the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of all problems that are connected to the reproductive system. The doctor who specializes in the provision of these medical services is known as an ob-gyn. On the other hand, a doctor that takes care of women during pregnancy and childbirth is known as an obstetrician. In most cases, the doctor who practices gynecology is also an obstetrician and is known as an ob-gyn. Below are some of the common problems that an obgyn Waco professional deals with.

The gynecology takes care of the gynecological disorders which are a combination of all the parts of the reproductive system. These parts which include the uterus, the breast, and all the organs along the pelvic area like the fallopian tube, the vagina and also the ovaries need to be in a perfect condition all the time. That is why is recommended for a woman to visit the ob-gyn severally in a year.

Failure to have these checks can lead to some very serious consequences. For instance, most of the people that suffer from infertility are because of conditions that can be treated. For instance, you will find a simple infection of bacterial vaginosis leading to pelvic inflammatory disease when left untreated, a problem that eventually leads to infertility and at times even cervical cancer.

The latest statistics show that at least 100,000 women get an attack of PID each year as a result of STDs, and these cases result in infertility. The other STDs that lead to serious issues include HIV, which, when left untreated leads to suppression of the immune system. When the immune system is suppressed, it will no longer fight off diseases, leading to death because of opportunistic illnesses.

Another ailment that an ob-gyn would deal with is Chlamydia which is the common cause of PID. This is a dangerous disease because there is no early warning as those who suffer from it experience no symptoms. Without the frequent checks then the problem cannot be detected.

A recent study shows that almost to 10 percent of American women suffer from endometriosis. This is a condition that causes extreme pain during menstruation. When this pain is not treated in most cases, it leads to infertility. Another major problem that the ob-gyn has to deal with in this place is breast cancer which is killing over 400,000 Americans. You should avail yourself for cancer screening to avoid the side effects that come along with untreated cancer.

There are many more illnesses and disorders of the reproductive system that are dealt with by an Obstetric Gynecologist. The most important thing is to make sure that the problems are caught in time because that is the only time there is a chance of getting full recovery.

Prevention is better than cure. Visit the hospital and have an expert run a comprehensive checkup on you so as to make sure that you a free from any gynecological disorder. This will give you peace of mind knowing your status as this field is concerned.

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